Jurema Preta - Rapeh
Jurema Preta - Rapeh
Rapè Jurema Preta 10g
Rapè ( pronounced Ha-peh or Rapay ) is a sacred plant medicine used in spiritual practices by indigenous tribes of the Amazon.
This fine powder gets blown into the nose using either a tepi or a kuripe. The tepi is used when someone applies it on someone else & a kuripe is a self applicator.
Rapè can help you in the following ways:
⁃ Detoxes body & mind & clears energetic field.
⁃ Clears bad energy
⁃ Provides a calming grounding effect on emotions.
⁃ Clears sinuses of mucus & bacteria thereby helping to combat colds & respiratory illnesses
⁃ Helps to focus & sharpen the mind
⁃ Helps with intention setting
There are many different types of Rapè & they all have a specific purpose.
Our Jurema Preta ( Black Jurema) comes from the Noke Kuin indigenous community of Acre, Brazil.
It’s a mix of Organic Tabaco & the powerful Jurema tree ( scientific name – Mimosa Hostillis )
Rapè Jurema Preta is famous for being a stronger & more intense rapè. The natives say it is known to activate & improve clairvoyance & mediumship. It is also known for its energy cleansing properties.