Tsunu - Noke Koi
Tsunu - Noke Koi
Rapè Tsunu 10g
Rapè ( pronounced Ha-peh or Rapay ) is a sacred plant medicine used in spiritual practices by indigenous tribes of the Amazon.
This fine powder gets blown into the nose using either a tepi or a kuripe. The tepi is used when someone applies it on someone else & a kuripe is a self applicator.
Rapè can help you in the following ways:
⁃ Detoxes body & mind & clears energetic field.
⁃ Clears bad energy
⁃ Provides a calming grounding effect on emotions.
⁃ Clears sinuses of mucus & bacteria thereby helping to combat colds & respiratory illnesses
⁃ Helps to focus & sharpen the mind
⁃ Helps with intention setting
There are many different types of Rapè & they all have a specific purpose.
Our Tsunu with Rapè comes from the Noke Kuin indigenous community of Acre, Brazil.
It’s a mix of Organic Tabaco & the ashes of the Tsunu tree (Platycyamus regnelii).
Tsunu is a powerful tree. It’s considered one of the ten most important Brazilian medicinal plants. It’s known as one of the oldest blends of Rapè & is also known for its powerful effects – clarity, grounding, focus, & internal power. Tsunu is the perfect blend for the body, mind, & spirit. It serves as a reset, as it will clear the bad energies while keeping you grounded.
Thank you for supporting our indigenous family from the Amazon & our family business. We hope you honor & enjoy this sacred medicine in your mediations. Follow & support our project on Instagram
SunSoul Entheogenic Community
Much Love & Gratitude !
Hauxx Hauxx
Ok thanks
I use the SunSoul Rapeh before the meditations. This Raphe give me peace and relaxation giving a deep meditation. I also participated in the SunSoul workshop virtually to understand better how to use the Tepi.
Tsunu is one of my favorites when I'm in need of strengh and want to connect deeper with Source's power. It definetely helps me to bring my power back and have me more clarity when I need to make an important decision in life.
My favorite rapeh! Excelente quality!
the beeeeest rapeh ever